Disconnect recommends

We’re trying a few business models on for size at Disconnect headquarters. Since we think the way business is usually done online is broken, our goal is to find an alternative our team and our users are comfortable with. We call the one you’re seeing Disconnect recommends.

The idea behind Disconnect recommends is we’ll ocassionally show you a recommendation for software similar to Disconnect and Collusion we, the Disconnect team, like and use ourselves. In exchange, we get a referral fee from the developer if you try their software. If you’re not interested in a particular recommendation, you can press the close button and we won’t show you the recommendation again.

Like our privacy policy says, we won’t ever collect your IP address or other personal info to run Disconnect recommends. Instead, we’ll only collect aggregate info: the total number of users who see, click on, and close a recommendation. Where possible, we’ll also get our developer partners to limit their use of analytics.

Most importantly, we need your help to create a business model you’re comfortable with. Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent to Disconnect recommends, tell us at support@disconnect.me.